Do you need to join the association of realtors?

Real estate agents often ask me if they need to join an association of realtors to sell real estate.
To sell real estate requires a license issued by whichever state department oversees real estate
Once you have your that license, and it is in good standing, you can sell real estate.
So, the answer is NO, you do not need to join an association of realtors.
That begs the question, if you do not have to join an association of realtors to sell real estate,
then what is the point of joining?
First, keep in mind that joining the association of realtors is a three-membership commitment.
You must join the National Association of Realtors, the state association of realtors, and then
your local city or regional board of realtors. It’s an all or nothing proposition. So, you will be
paying dues to all three organizations, plus the MLS, plus a lockbox key rental. It’s not cheap. So
why do agents join associations if they do not have to? Well, here’s why:
The association of realtors acts a gatekeep to three important tools:
1. The MLS
2. Professional Forms
3. Lockboxes and their key
Yes, there are other tools that are offered, but those peripheral benefits do not justify the
membership fee. The three benefits I mentioned are what compels the vast majority of real
estate agents to join.
If you do a lot of business and the membership fee is negligible, then it might make sense to
join. With this you can avoid the hassle of dealing with workarounds
If you do not do a lot of volume, then the cost and hassle to join outweigh the benefits. After
all, you don’t need to join the association of realtors to sell real estate. Membership is just a
There are several substitutes and workarounds for the tools that the association of realtors
If you’d like guidance whether joining makes sense, then please contact us or leave a comment.